<h4>Waterfall</h4> <p>by Lukas Arons + Viktor Granchev (RU)</p> <h4>Urdjur (Protozoa)</h4> <p>by Frida Svensson (SE)</p> <h4>The Right Robber</h4> <p>by Thomas Kadziola (DK)</p> <h4>The Riddle</h4> <p>by Thomas Kadziola (DK)</p> <h4>Slägga</h4> <p>by Claes Haake (SE)</p> <h4>Plimsoll</h4> <p>by Ingrid Enarsson (SE)</p> <h4>Mended traces</h4> <p>by Hannah Streefkerk (SE)</p> <h4>Listen to Your Heart</h4> <p>by Lars Widenfalk (SE)</p> <h4>Grupporträtt nr 13</h4> <p>by Helena Marika Ekenger (SE)</p> <h4>Golden fractures</h4> <p>by Kristina Gernes (SE)</p> <h4>Diamonds are forever</h4> <p>by Peder Istad (SE)</p> <h4>Circle of life</h4> <p>by Hagbart Solløs (NO)</p> <h4>Bergets ansikte</h4> <p>by Lars Widenfalk (SE)</p> <h4>‘L’nir</h4> <p>by Thomas Kadziola (DK)</p>

Images Ⓒ Hans Leutscher

Catalogue 2018: ‘In situ’
  1. Lukas Arons + Viktor Granchev (RU)
  2. Frida Svensson (SE)
  3. Thomas Kadziola (DK)
  4. Thomas Kadziola (DK)
  5. Claes Haake (SE)*
  6. Ingrid Enarsson (SE)
  7. Hannah Streefkerk (SE)*
  8. Lars Widenfalk (SE)
  9. Helena Marika Ekenger (SE)
  10. Kristina Gernes (SE)
  11. Peder Istad (SE)*
  12. Hagbart Solløs (NO)
  13. Lars Widenfalk (SE)*
  14. Thomas Kadziola (DK)

How to find us

The exhibition takes place in a former quarry known as 'Udden'
Norra kajen Hunnebostrand, Sweden.
From E6 take exit 102. Follow 174 untill Hunnebostrand.
Follow the signs to 'Bella Gästis' to the parking place.

Uddenskulptur 2018 ‘in situ’ june 02 - september 30 2018

Our eight international sculpture exhibition on Udden, the former quarry in Hunnebostrand.
We kept two of the impressive stone sculptures from 2017 and continue with our concept Art up against the walls! using the spectacular stone wall that is visible from far out at sea, famous for its magical beauty.
In situ means means “locally”, “on site”, “on the premises” or “in place”. Art made for one specific location.
Uddenskulptur is a totally unique exhibition venue for sculptures. A vertical granite wall 40 meters high, a magnificent meadow where the quarry used to be, and the endless sea that offered transportation to countries far away. Here the mountain meets the sea, a location of superb beauty.

The organisation consist of
Pål Svensson -artistic leader and press contact-
Hans Leutscher -project leader-
Kulturhuset Hav&Land, Hunnebostrand -administration and main office-.

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Stöd Uddenskulptur!