portrait of  Martha Quinn

Martha Quinn


Participating in Uddenskulptur:

My practice is informed and inspired by a wide variety of subjects including nature, craft, heritage, science and architecture. In my public commissions my interest in these subjects are often referenced directly

in a representational way while in my other work the elemental forces that connect these interests manifests in abstract geometric patterns and structures.

A key element of my public sculptures has been to create integrated artwork, artwork that is integrated not only with its physical and geo- graphical environment but also with its social, historical and cultural one also and so each work is completely site-specific. In these works I am looking at relationships between topical patterns and physical structures, and the interaction between two and three dimensionality of each aspect. As part of this exploration I am focusing on the interplay bet- ween surface and form and so in some instan- ces the form is regular and geometric where as in other works the form is natural or irregular with each 3d sculpture having surfaces which have 2d type relief-carving.

{title} by  Martha Quinn

Constellation on Uddenskulptur 2012

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